Monday, July 27, 2009

The Contents of My Bag

I have now progressed to the third Aimee Leduc mystery, Murder in the Sentier. Below is one of my favorite passages thus far that will illustrate the pull these stories have for me. She has been out on a Vespa chasing crime when she has to enter an upscale venue. Aimee is always prepared:

"A block away, she entered a deserted courtyard, set down her backpack, and got to work. She stood on the cobbles, reapplying her Chanel-red lipstick in a window. Looking in a tall truck's side-view mirror, she reapplied mascara. She flattened her spiky hair with gel, then slid into the heels she carried, along with a new cryptography manual, calcium biscuits for Miles Davis [her dog, pronounced Meels Dahvees], and black silk underwear crushed at the bottom of her bag.

One never knew."
Her bag contents always include Chanel lipstick, ultrablack mascara, and high heels (unless she is wearing heels or boots, and then her red high-tops are there). And black silk underwear, because you just never know what might happen.

I wish I were that prepared for my life.

My bag contents:
Wallet and keys
Assorted lipsticks and glosses
Toothbrush and stuff for my braces
Hospital IDs
Chargers for BlackBerry & iPod
Earphones for iPod
Pens in various states of usability
BlackBerry & iPod

Given the size of the bag I carry, this seems pitiful. I certainly couldn't make myself ready for a hot club with my present contents, let alone chase bad guys and make the world a safer place.

But then, I don't have to!


  1. Goodness gracious, who wants to carry *heels* all day long, just in case? And does she enter the upscale venue with her backpack? I'm clearly not ready to save the world. And in any case I cannot walk in high heels.

  2. I carry a pair of ballet flats with me. I love 'em.

  3. I keep flats in my car because my heels have cut through floor mats... in a 4 month old vehicle!
