Saturday, March 27, 2010

Increasing Sensations of Incompetence

I am learning to write creative nonfiction.

I have this book idea. I finally “gave” myself this conference to try and get my act together and WRITE THE DAMN BOOK!

Among this group of mostly middle-aged healthcare workers, I am way ahead of the online media curve. I have a blog (no link because you’re reading it right now). I am on FaceBook. I am on LinkedIn. I even Tweet!Web2_framework_p3

The first day of the conference discussed preparing the book proposal and pitching it. I felt smug then because I had began developing “platform” with my traditional and social media work (see Thursday’s post).

Yesterday we talked about actual writing. Michael Palmer presented his insights from the beginning and growth of his writing career.

This morning focuses on public relations for budding authors. And I feel so far behind. I just now registered my domain name. I just signed up for HARO (help a reporter out). I have bought my Flip videocamera, but have yet to upload to my YouTube Channel (no link because THERE IS NOTHING THERE YET). So much to do… and I haven’t yet factored in the book proposal! Or actually writing THE DAMN BOOK! Or my day jobs.


The good news is I have a lot of new blog fodder. And I have to write; I don’t know why. It is part of who I am. So hang on- it may be a bumpy ride, but it won’t be boring. At least not every day…

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